What would happen if the next big earthquake struck on a Sunday morning? Would your church family know what to do?
Faith–based organizations are a vital part of our community. When disaster strikes, houses of worship become safe havens in the neighborhood.
BRC‘s emergency preparedness programs ensure that everyone including churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, and community–based organizations are prepared. You can also encourage your place of worship to set aside one day as a Ready Sunday in April to help everyone be prepared! Need help? Contact BRC!
Host a Ready Sunday booth during Sunday services and help your congregation learn how
to best prepare for an emergency by providing free materials including:
- Giveaways (such as first aid kits and emergency buckets to store supplies)
- Family emergency plans
- Preparedness checklists formation sheets, and more!
You can also create an emergency kit for your congregation and designate a shelter–in–place interior room, as well as exterior meeting locations.
BRC encourages you to share information and resources. Download the Emergency Preparedness Toolkit and share preparedness materials and tips with your congregation or organization via newsletters, bulletins, emails, and social media. Also, encourage your members to enroll in California‘s Emergency Alert systems for earthquake early warning and wireless emergency alerts.